Battle of Baylen, morning of 17 July 1808

Battle of Baylen, morning of 17 July 1808
The situation around Baylen on the morning of 17 July. Dupont had decided to split his main force, and has sent Vedel east to deal with the Spanish forces known to be over the Guadalquiver at Mengibar. On reaching Baylen, Vedel discovered that Dufort had moved on to La Carolina, and decided to follow him.
History of the Peninsular War vol.1: 1807-1809 - From the Treaty of Fontainebleau to the Battle of Corunna, Sir Charles Oman. The first volume of Oman's classic seven volume history of the Peninsular War, this is one of the classic works of military history and provides an invaluable detailed narrative of the fighting in Spain and Portugal. This first volume covers the initial French intervention, the start of the Spanish uprising, the early British involvement in Spain and Portugal and Napoleon's own brief visit to Spain.
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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (19 March 2008), Battle of Baylen, morning of 17 July 1808 ,

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