20.3cm Kanone (Eisenbahn), Jobourg peninsula, Cherbourg

20.3cm Kanone (Eisenbahn), Jobourg peninsula, Cherbourg
Here we see a 20.3cm Kanone (Eisenbahn) in the ruins of a gun emplacement at Auderville-Laye, on the Jobourg peninsula west of Cherbourg. Other photographs of the same gun show that the Allied bombing had left the gun largely untouched, but the Vogele turntable used to actually aim it had been blocked with large chunks of reinforced concrete, making it impossible to aim.
How to cite this article: Rickard, J (DATE), 20.3cm Kanone (Eisenbahn), Jobourg peninsula, Cherbourg , http://www.historyofwar.org/Pictures/pictures_20_3cm_kanone_eisenbahn_cherbourg.html

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