American LSTs before D-Day

American LSTs before D-Day

Here we see a group of four LSTs (Landing Ship, Tank) during the build-up to D-Day. The two nearest to the camera are seen from the stern, showing the more cluttered rear of the ship, while the two further from the camera are seen from the more familiar bow view. US30 was probably USS LST-30, the first LST to arrive in Britain to take part in the D-Day landings.

The partial number 64 could refer to several LSTs - HMS LST-164, HMS LST-364 or USS LST-264, all of which took part in the D-Day landings. USS LST-264 is the most likely, partly because this appears to be a group of American ships and partly because photographs of the British LSTs show the numbers painted in a box.

How to cite this article: Rickard, J (20 March 2021), American LSTs before D-Day ,

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