MG 34 in use as anti-aircraft gun, Oslo 1940

MG 34 in use as anti-aircraft gun, Oslo 1940
Here we see an MG 34 being used as a light anti-aircraft gun soon after the Germans occupied Oslo docks.
The German MG 34 & MG 42 Machine Guns in World War II, Luc Guillou & Erik Dupont. A very detailed examination of two of the most significant German weapons of the Second World War, focusing largely on their design, manufacture and how they actually worked, as well as the accessories that helped make them so effective, including the various mounts and optics designed to go with them. Includes an excellent description of how the guns actually worked, with a step by step account of each movement, and all supported by an impressive array of photographs (mainly modern pictures of surviving examples). (Read Full Review)
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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (9 August 2013), MG 34 in use as anti-aircraft gun, Oslo 1940 ,

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