Fairey Swordfish on anti U-Boat patrol

Fairey Swordfish on anti U-Boat patrol
This Fairey Swordfish was photographed from the S.S. 'American Farmer' during a hunt for the U-boat that had just sunk the SS Kafiristan.
Business in Great Waters: The U-boat Wars 1916-1945, John Terraine. This is a classic account of the struggle between the German U-boat and the Allied navies during the First and Second World Wars, seen from both sides of the battle, and with excellent coverage of the intelligence and technological aspects of the fighting. [read full review]
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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (22 November 2009), Fairey Swordfish on anti U-Boat patrol , http://www.historyofwar.org/Pictures/pictures_fairey_swordfish_uboat_hunt.html

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