Schwerer Panzerspahwagen Sd. Kfz 234/3 (7.5 cm) from the left

Schwerer Panzerspahwagen Sd. Kfz 234/3 (7.5 cm) from the left

Here we see a Schwerer Panzerspahwagen Sd. Kfz 234/3 (7.5 cm) from the left, giving a good view of the side of its open topped fighting compartment, with its 75mm gun carried unusually close to the top of the armour, giving it a rather hunched appearance.

Picture from the author's collection. The tank is in the collection of the very impressive Bovington Tank Museum

How to cite this article: Rickard, J (8 July 2023), Schwerer Panzerspahwagen Sd. Kfz 234/3 (7.5 cm) from the left ,

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