The Ago C.VII was a modified version of the unsuccessful Ago C.IV reconnaissance aircraft, with a number of structural improvements. It was powered by the same 220hp Benz Bz.IV inline engine.

Ago C.VII from the left
Ago C.VII from the left

The C.VII used a similar fuselage and tail to the C.IV, but had new equal chord wings. It was a two bay biplane, with the two pairs of two struts on each wing (unlike the tapered wings of the C.IV, which only had an inner strut). The struts were braced by steel strips instead of the more normal bracing wires.

The Ago C.VII reached the prototype stage but no further, and no performance figures have survived.

Engine: Benz Bz.IV
Power: 220hp

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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (26 April 2016), Ago C.VII ,

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