Joe Townshend's Log, 18 October 1944, p.1 (top)

This is the top half of the the first page of Joe Townshend's navigation log from the sortie in which his aircraft discovered the Tirpitz off Tromso on 18 October 1941

Many thanks to Michael Townshend for sending us this picture. His father, Joe Townshend, was the navigator on this aircraft.

This part of the log records their progress during the day-long mission.

0746 Airborne Base (Dyce)
0841 Landed Scatsta
0937 Airborne
0940 S/C OPHT (set course for OPHT)
0948 Crossed out Shetlands
1008 25,000ft level out
1103 Dr Pos A A/C Target
1125 A/C 10 degree 5 to optain pp
1133 Rocks sighted no pp A/C
1152 pp Bodo
1230 Tirpitz 260 Tromso 4'
1233 Tromso US/C 66 degree N on track for base
1354 LR fix 6342N 1955W, ??
1423 QTE Sumburgh 032
1459 M/F Fix 6345N 0420E
1536 M/F Fix 6115N 0045E A/C
1558 VHF Contact with Sumburgh QDM 220 course held
1608 land sighted
1616 landed Scatsta
1700 airborne
1800 landed Dyce

Their overall route thus took them from their base (the squadron was based at Leuchers near St. Andrews, but this flight started at Dyce, further to the north near Aberdeen), north to Scatsta on the mainland of the Shetland Islands, north/ north-east across the North Sea to Bodo on the Norwegian coast, then nearly 200 miles north up the Norwegian coast to Tromso, where the Tirpitz was found.

OPHT would appear to be a navigation point in the North Sea around 125 miles to the N/NE of Sumburgh on the Shetlands.

The long range location fix at 1354 appears to put them just off the south coast of Iceland, thus the question marks. The radio fix taken from Sumburgh was clearly more reassuring, putting them to the N/NE of the Shetlands.

The 1459 location then placed them on their correct route S/SW across the North Sea, west of Norway and north/ north-east of the Shetlands and the next fix put then just to the north-east of the Shetlands.


How to cite this article: Rickard, J (23 July 2017), Joe Townshend's Log, 18 October 1944, p.1 (top) ,

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